Burnley school chosen for launch of campaign to encourage children to read

Eloise Dutton and Jonathan Rides, Year 5 pupils from Holy Trinity School with headteacher Mrs Sally Smith (left) and assistant head Alison Whitaker.Eloise Dutton and Jonathan Rides, Year 5 pupils from Holy Trinity School with headteacher Mrs Sally Smith (left) and assistant head Alison Whitaker.
Eloise Dutton and Jonathan Rides, Year 5 pupils from Holy Trinity School with headteacher Mrs Sally Smith (left) and assistant head Alison Whitaker.
Classmates from a Burnley primary school got the opportunity to meet popular author Phil Earl.

Phil, who wrote the children's novel Demolition Dad was at Rosewood Primary School in Burnley which was chosen for the launch of the Lancashire "We Are Reading campaign.

The school was chosen as the location for the hub for a cluster of local schools by Lancashire County Council and one of the schools invited was Holy Trinity Primary.

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Headteacher Sally Smith and assistant head Alison Whitaker went along and enjoyed afternoon tea with author Phil.

The children also got the chance to chat with him about his work and they were also presented with a signed copy of Demolition Dad.