D-Day approaching for controversial Cliviger homes plan

The application will be discussed on ThursdayThe application will be discussed on Thursday
The application will be discussed on Thursday | jpimedia
A long-running saga over controversial plans to build more than 100 houses on greenbelt land in Cliviger could finally come to a head on Thursday.

The amended plan would see 125 houses built on green land at Red Lees Road, Cliviger, if passed at Thursday's meeting of Burnley Council's Development Control Committee.

A number of Cliviger residents have expressed their opposition to the plan, citing the increased levels of traffic in the rural area and the loss of the green land. They have appointed an independent highways specialist who has prepared a report to present at Thursday's meeting.

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Resident Frank Carroll said: "The planned site is home to wildlife and is used for agriculture. We do not feel the site is suitable for the number of houses planned and all the extra traffic this would generate and the impact on the environment.

"Our independent report states that the development would only contribute less than 6% of the council's housing requirement in the next 12 years, so it would be a sad less of countryside for a small gain."

The application, originally for 129 houses, was first considered by the Development Control Committee on August 21st, when members decided to reject it. However, that refusal to grant planning permission represented a substantial departure from the council's Local Plan and as such the application was sent to the full council for discussion.

The full council decided to seek further talks with the developer and an amended plan was put forward, which included reducing the number of houses by four, the introduction of four affordable homes onto the site and agreeing to pay the full contribution of £980,832 towards education provision, which Lancashire County Council has decided will be spent on Springfield Primary School in Burnley Wood and Unity College in Towneley Park.

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The developers have also agreed to plant a further 63 semi-mature trees and submit a revised energy statement.

A further, extraordinary, meeting of the full council in December that the new application must be considered by the Development Control Committee, which has been recommended to delegate authority to the Head of Housing and Development Control to approve the development subject to notification from the Secretary of State that they will not intervene in the decision and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure contributions towards education provision and affordable housing.

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