Security worker resisted arrest after row

Burnley Magistrates' CourtBurnley Magistrates' Court
Burnley Magistrates' Court
A drunken G4S employee kicked out and seemingly tried to bite at police when he was being arrested after a family row, a court heard.

Andrew Wren (33) who had appeared to be “struggling to stand up” and falling into the wall, had been shouting towards the officers in the street when they went to have a word with him in the 10pm trouble.

Mrs Alex Mann, prosecuting, told Burnley magistrates: “It just carried on from there. I think he took a defensive stance, but that doesn’t usually work, especially when you have been drinking. He was not going quietly.”

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Wren, who has no previous convictions, admitted resisting police and being drunk and disorderly in Rawson Street, Burnley, on April 19th. Wren, of Rawson Street, was conditionally discharged for six months and must pay £85 costs and a £20 victim surcharge.

Mr Daniel Frazer, for Wren, told the court the defendant had been due to give evidence in a court case that day, but it was adjourned and that frustrated him.

He had some drinks. He continued: “He let the anxiety get the better of him. An argument broke out with some family members, which caused somebody some concern and they called the police. He was arguing with the police. He can’t necessarily recall his behaviour. It’s out of character.”

Mr Frazer said the defendant worked for G4S. He said: “This will ultimately have a knock-on effect in relation to that. He can only offer his apologies to the officers and to the court.”